I'm currently on the Baron and Witch quests, i haven't started them yet because i want to explore the map as much as i can before i get deep into the story. Specially the question marks that the boards unlock.
I already cleaned the first small map, but man...the amount of side activities on Velen is fucking overwhelming. There are hundreds upon hundreds of side activities on top of the side quests!
What im noticing is that the leveling system is WAY too fucking cheap in the sense that every thing that you do gives yo so little EXP that you level up SLOW. I have clocked on the game as of right now 30 hours and im level 5 LOL
I know the main and side quests gives you a lot more EXP than the side activities which gives you almost nothing but loot, but it is still annoying.
Graphics are great, the combat is very good, dialogues are very natural with great voice acting, i fucking hate Roach, quests are varied with interesting stories.
This game caught me since the beginning, just like Amalur got me so i predict that i will spend on this game hundreds of hours!