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AEGRO said:
Goodnightmoon said:

I´m sick of that argument. "oh if you want a third party game why you buy a wiiu"

They have been hyping the game 2 years, That´s what I wanted it, we were not hopig to have a version too, it was confirmed sice 2013, that´s why we were waiting for it. I can buy it on PC too but I want this game on my WiiU, if not, no game. I´m not going to support this shitty behaviours from developers, if they couldn´t make the game, the shouldn´t have said all the lies they have been telling us the past 2 years.

Why arent you sick of Reggies lies? He promised all of you back at 2012 that the Wii U would have the support of the industry. 3 years later look at the entire panorama, it is just unacceptable from a consumer point of view.

If Slighty Mad Studios manages to complete the game on the Wii U but have to downgrade it hard from what we have seen from the PC, Ps4 or X1, would you buy it? Would you buy the game running at 640p/30? With less cars on the road? Would you?

Do i have to remind you what happened with Watch Dogs? The situation was the same, every version was released but the Wii U. Then months later the game was released slighty downgraded from the 8th gen version, but still better than the 7th gen versions, what happened? The game FLOPPED so horribly that Ubisoft stopped releasing games for the Wii U. It was the last chance for you people and nobody stood up for the developer. Every single Ubisoft game have flopped on the Wii U, minus ZombiU for obvious reasons.

Lets be real here people, Project Cars would have flopped on the Wii U.

Back in 2012 whole industry was promising its support to WiiU. Where are ghost recon/metro/alien/etc (which were shown on e3 as future WiiU games?)

WatchDogs example is a freaking shame. Total saboteuring of wiiu sales and audience by Ubi, starting from Rayman Legends f... up (but at least Rayman was a good game!)