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So far, mostly positive with some drawbacks.

I've only completed the first area so hopefully things will go more smoothly later on. The side quests were good, however since I started exploring early all the linked quests happened out of order with me stumbling into the end first, something the game didn't anticipate judging by the flow of conversations.

The world is lovingly detailed, as is the writing which makes the characters very believable. Yet it also blunders straight into the uncanny valley by having the same standard game play as always. What am I? Am I playing a believable person that tries to do justice yet gets sabotaged in every way, or the standard kleptomaniac psychotic murderer as defined by the actions the game has me perform, or prevents me from interfering.
One moment I'm reasonable trying to calm the situation, the next I'm forced to slaughter an inn full of people, hacking the head of a villager in front of a horrified inn keeper. (Even doing nothing simply loads a cut scene where you hack his head off)

Awesome world, awesome characters, great writing, standard game play with clunky movement, generic monster nests and bandit camps spoil the immersion somewhat. For me this game proves that game play is not the most important, it's actually hindering the game somewhat.

Now when do I find out what happened to that person I tried to save with a potion at the herbalist. He'll probably die a horrible death I imagine.