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  1. Dreamcast
  2. PS1
  3. Genesis
  4. Turbografx-16
  5. Saturn

Honorable mentions go to the Neo Geo and Wii U. If I include handhelds, then also the 3DS and the Neo Geo Pocket Color.

The SNES was central to my childhood, and I'm still a big fan of Super Star Wars and Killer Instinct, but honestly in retrospect there wasn't much lasting quality to its library outside of Square's RPGs and DKC2. Nintendo franchises like Mario Kart, Star Fox, and F-Zero reached their potential after the SNES.

My sentiment towards the PS2 and its extensive library is similar. Its early titles like FFX, MGS2, and ICO started it off great, and I loved DQVIII. But, I felt the games it became best known for (the GTA series, God of War, DMC, Shadow of the Colossus, RE4, Okami, etc) were all extremely overrated.