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Million said:
Kasz216 said:
Million said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
Million said:
Foshoryuken said:

Million said:


1. Yoga can't equal workouts that require you to use alot of energy such as running long distance or rowing a conoe for a mile. , I'd like to see some information that sais otherwise.

2. Dude what country are you in ? KFC would be facing a crazy class action lawsuit in the EU if they advertised it as health food , do you even know why it's called "KFC" and not Kentucky Fried Chicken ?

I probably know far more about advertising law than you do , I study LAW.

3. Your talking about a sci-fi GAME, a boxing video game and comparing it to a Fitness game with a workout board. Your making it sound like the consumer are complete idiots, they aren't , but they are however more gullable than the informed gamer.

If some one sees a game and a gaming board with various workouts you can do on that board then instantly the idea of getting fit while having fun is going to pop into their heads , I'd bet my life that's how Nintendo is marketing it , it's the whole reason they released it , this kinda thing has apeal. It theoreticaly makes a tedius,boring and painful procedure fun and exciting when we know it doesn't work that way.

 1) You're flat out wrong.  As I am assuming you've never done yoga, I will just tell you to try it sometime before you pass judgement.  Chances are, if you do try it and you don't goof around, the next day you will be more sore then you would be from rowing a canoe for a mile.  Until you have a clue what you're talking about, I would recommend giving up on this argument.  I'll cede that there are things that yoga doesn't do for you, much like there are things that running doesn't do for you, and (insert name of other exercise regimen) doesn't do for you.

 Used as part of a healthy lifestyle, Yoga is very helpful to many parts of being fit, many of which are the opposite of what running does for you.  For example, if you are an amateur runner, you may not know that you should stretch afterwards, and so your flexibility will suffer.  Yoga, on the other hand, is all about tone and flexibility, so it will get you less buffed but more toned than many other workouts.

2) Since you are apparently too lazy to actually do a google search, here is citiation for his claim about KFC:

3)"I probably know far more about advertising law than you do , I study LAW." You apparently don't study law very often if you aren't aware of the egrigious claims people are allowed to make.  Even if we assume WiiFit contains no benefits, which we've already established is a false assumption, then it gets down to what they claim in the commercial.  For example: ANY 'male enhancement' ad ever.

On a related note, appeal to authority as an argument really only works if you have actual authority in the matter.  It also helps if you provide evidence instead of just claiming authority.

Please, PLEASE do NOT feed the trolls.
fksumot tag: "Sheik had to become a man to be useful. Or less useful. Might depend if you're bi."

1) WiiFit will outsell the pokemans.
  Current Status: 2009.01.10 70k till PKMN Yellow (Passed: Emerald, Crystal, FR/LG)