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Does anyone honestly think that a large portion of Wii owners went back and played gamecube games, or even cared to acknowledge gamecube games? It'll be the exact same situation with NX (home console).

Nintendo will likely drop BC simply because it doesn't make any sense going forward. The Wii U was not successful so Nintendo have no interest in trying to carry along its audience as they tried with the wii audience and unlike gamecube/Wii, NX architecture will likely be very different from Wii U. Logistics has been the only thing behind past BC as far as Nintendo's home consoles are concerned, that is now (probably) out of the window.

I think Nintendo will just port their most important games from SNES-Wii U on NX (both handheld+home console) and give them digital releases. One or 2 wii U games may see retail remasters instead (Xenoblade, Zelda?)