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SvennoJ said:
irstupid said:
A_C_E said:

I am officially unattracted to this game.

Why?  Reading that is just made me think of half the gaming journalists out there.  Horrible gamers.  

I feel like if he had a let's play and I watched it, I would quit watching very quickly thinking "this guy sucks at games"


Haven't played bloodbourne but from what I've heard of that type of game its very unforgivving and you die alot.  i would think that would have helped people to be prepared for battles.  Witcher is a game taht you don't just blindly run up to groups of enemies and swing away, and just focus on mashing a button till enemy dead.  Someone hits your back and you lose like 3/4 of your hp.  This game rewards preparation big time.  Knowing what enemies are weak against. Quick or Strong attacks.  Applying oils they weak against, using signs they are weak or vulnerable too.  Drinkign potions to do various buffs ect.  

I mean heck one of the side quests you fight a noonwraith and you can't do any damage to it unless you either throw a certain bomb at it or get it into one ofyour signs.  Without researching about it before hand you would not know this and probably die bitchign at the game for being "BROKEN"

Thanks, but I do not suck at games :)

It was the second fight since the tutorial I played a day earlier. (First one I had that graphical corruption). I did not blindly run up, I approached carefully trying to lure one out, didn't work, they all jumped me together. I started dodging which made the camera go wild as I couldn't recall the lock on button.
No, I did not gather traps, oils and bombs yet. Everything was still locked and no money. Anyway the fight wasn't even the problem, autosave points, slow reload on death, and the horrible horse chase were the problem.

I'm still having lots of fun exploring, although I feel like the usual errand boy again. (Find my pan, really) But the game suggests I should level up and prepare, as you said as well, so I'm stuck running errands for now instead of enjoying the story.
Mr experienced Witcher has to start at the bottom of the ladder again, although he claims he's already killed many a griffon, and probably noonwraith too. He should know this stuff, yet he starts as a lvl 1 unprepared rookie...

Pretty much zero luring in this game, enemies work in groups as they should.  Always kind of annoying how you can have a group of enemies and then lure one away and be fighting it with all the yelling and growling ect 10 feet away and all their buddies ignore you.

As someone else said, sounds like you forgot some controls, not the games fault.

Rolling away is the wrong thing to do in this game.  Seeing as that was how you basically fought in Witcher 2, I can see many stick to it, but the small dodges are 1000x better.  When you roll away you roll so damn far you can't counter attack back, so it basically is just a way of escaping from being surround or squaring up to the enemy again.  Hardly practical in actual fighting.

Must not have the PC version of the game.  Loading for me takes like a couple seconds at best.  Basically reloading after a death is about same time it takes to fast travel load, and htat is also just a couple seconds at most.  

Also bombs, potions, oils, ect cost zero money.  YOu just find the ingredients in  the wild and craft them yourself for free.  Then to refill them ALL, you just meditate and if you have some hard alcohol in your inventory they all get refilled, bombs, potions, oils, ect.  Way better than last game wher eyou had to have the ingredients to remake them again.

Don't want to get into wether you suck or not at the game, the above is just some hints/tricks to help you out and enjoy the game better.

As for the chase scene and other bugs you may have encountered, hopefully they are small for you.  Had zero bugs so far for me, zero crashes, no lag, fast loads, ect.  And my pc specs are not the "recommended" they are below that.  So I'm not runnign some super computer or anything.  Experienced witcher?  No shit you start at lvl 1.  All games do this.  Do you bitch when in God of War 3 or whatever that your level one when you have done all you did in earlier games?  Though at least you can do everything in Witcher from lvl 1 basically.  You have all your signs available from start, you can make potions if you hav eingredients and know recipe.  You have both weapons and are fully armored up.  Then at this point you decide which skills you want to become more proficient in. And you can't do them all.  You can't max out every skill if you didn't know.