tbone51 said:
Im not disagreeing with most of what your saying, but it is still incorrect. Pikmin 3 had 73p when finished, it sold 144p its first week (on COMG), But FW sales were 93k. If each Point was 1k, than pikmin 3 should of sold 144k, not 93k. COMG is just a small chain of stores that we use because points in alot of cases tend to be close to the ratio of 1p=1k. Nintendo games usually have a better 1p>1k ratio, so again splatoon pre orders can actually be 100k right now. Remember the days when a game gets 0 points for awhile? That doesn't mean the game isnt getting pre orders from elsewhere, just COMG |
Like I said the preorders are the one that im saying is always accurate, I know they always mess up in tge weekly sales