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Oh, I'm sure there are going to be disclaimers all over Wii Fit, maybe even some sort of statement saying it's primary purpose is for ENTERTAINMENT and that it is not a substitute for a physician approved exercise program and sensible diet.

Ironically, there will probably also be disclaimers recommending an evaluation by your physician before starting any new exercise program for legal immunity when someone finally suffers from cardiac arrest while using Wii Fit.

They have to put it in there, just like they have that ubiquitous disclaimer screen just for using the Wii mote and that disclaimer in every game manual for those who could potentially suffer from epileptic seizures while playing video games.

People are going to buy it anyway, even if sales are mainly fueled by hype and the marketing blitz.

For someone who had little to no initial interest in this release (more interested in the balance board as a gaming peripheral), I'm actually looking forward to being amused by playing with Wii Fit.