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After playing CoD4, this did seem very slow and unpolished. However, I was using autoaim for a good couple of hours before I realized it mostly sucks. I was getting really tired of everyone getting 75% kills with headshots and me not getting any.

I do think autoaim is decent with hand guns. It only takes about 5-6 shots to kill someone with the basic hand gun. Interesting that a few of you said SMGs were decent with auto. I guess I had a little luck with the P90.

However, the thing that has sold me on this game: knife fights. I used to knife fight in Counter-strike but because the game is so slow (ahem...tactical...heh) and the aiming is so haphazard (although just now I got owned quite a lot so people are catching on with that 3rd person it seems), you can actually compete on Blood Bath with knives.

I was playing Capture with this guy and he put me to sleep so that I couldn't do anything for a good 30 seconds probably. That was awesome so I started trying that. I need to figure out how to kill people in a hold, though, so I don't have to put them to sleep. Just usin aim and "shoot" with a knife is fairly effective, but if someone grabs you during your attack it's no good.

CQC seems deep because I've seen people get out of holds, and I've seen people roll over after holding someone. I haven't figured that out yet...

Someone mentioned a tutorial? I should check that out...I'd like a complete command list, though...maybe I didn't use the menu correctly. It seems like there's depth to everything...ugh.

Oh well, the servers seem down now so perhaps I should sleep soon.