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- voted waste of time.

Gamers know controllers, the 4 buttons, the L/R at the top. the D pad and analog sticks.... it needs to stay EVEN in a VR game.

All you have to do is make sure theres a tactile feel to each button, so players will know what the heck their pushing, when they have the controller in hand.


"Uhm... What? Motion tracking and VR go hand in hand. I'm confident they'd have looked at hand movement regardless. " - aLkaLiNE

No they dont, because your really limiting yourself and your gameplay options when you only have your hands.

Kinect proved this, its a failed concept for gameplay.


Sure it works well for certain small tasks, but not gameing, thus its not needed. It ll drive up costs too, a playstation 4 + Morpheus is bound to be expensive enough as is.

Morpheus is about gameplay for the playstation, the best and easiest solution is to keep the controller players already know.