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JazzB1987 said:

The lack of understanding what a CASUAL is is pretty disturbing lol.

Tetris is a casual game and its a hardcore game both at the same time. Hardcore is not the opposite of casual whatsoever and never was and never will be.

Think about it.

I'm not talking casual gamer... I'm talking casual buyer.. read the OP.. :)


FromDK said:


just for clearance

In this tread.. "casuals" means normal people who buy a console just like they buy a computer or other gadet.. meaning looking more at what it offer.. and price.. rather than a special brand/model.

  • Big part of that group is parents buying for kids (and them self mayby :)
  • Other part could be "public places" like kindergardens.. schools.. hotels.. and so.
  • And offcourse 15-45 years who see the right game/experince/service and price

We dont know how many they are.. but I would mean that it's atleast 75% of all console owners from gen 7.. and even so this gen proberly will be smaller.. it's safe to say that its more than 100 mill. (imo)