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I'll be the first to admit that my estimating numbers for the sales of the consoles is about on par with what I could tell you about your future by reading tea leafs. Which is why I haven't put my neck out with figures.

I am adept in the art of Cold Reading, although that is another story...

Anywho, I for one think ( and hope ) that PS3 will do better than Xbox in the long run, simply due to Xbox's design flaw that causes the overheating and red lights of death.

Hard to see anyone getting to gaming staying very long if they have to send back their console in regularly to get fixed, let alone continue to purchase a warranty to keep the thing running.

As far as I'm concerned, with the Elite -- not -- fixing the primary problem facing the 360, that console is still a lemon. Thing is M$ has lost so much money that if they asked for a recall, I think their share holders would but be up in arms for shutting down their gaming department.

Xbox has the best chances right now for some leverage to gain more of the "hardcore" market share due to lots of the exclusives bouncing its way, but personally with the high failure rates the box has, I can't call supporting a design flawed system as "hardcore." : More like foolishness.

I have a feeling that unless M$ fixes the design flaw now, when their race horse gets the gate opened for it to bolt, suddenly the green light will flicker with three portions of red circle.

This doesn't even begin to mention the disc scratching problems.

I think if Blu-Ray wins the battle, PS3 will gain in sales simply from people wishing to get the cheapest B/R player around. So long as Sony can VASTLY improve on it's own durability issues, I think the PS3 still has a good chance at pulling out silver in this race.

"There are three types of lies : Lies, damned lies, and statistics." - Benjamin Disraeli ( Made famous by Mark Twain )

PSN ID: DeviantPathways

Wii Number: 0081 3044 1559 2355