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curl-6 said:
NoirSon said:

Doubtful, I think aside from the DS, the last home console of Nintendo's that was ever pushed to its max potential MIGHT have been the N64.

Maybe the Wii, but I get the feeling that due to schedule and budget contrastiants even its best games (save possibly Skyward Sword but I feel they probably could have done more with that)  could have been MUCH better, so the system was never really pushed to the extreme like we've seen certain SNES, N64 and even DS games that arrived late in those system lives.

Unfortunately I see the Wii U on that same path, Nintendo will of course do a lot with the system but aside from the Zelda entry they won't come close to maxing it out with their own internal studios, and they don't have the third party support that a major publisher would gamble on getting a team to do so. I mean Intelligent Systems, a long time internal Nintendo development studio didn't even know the 3DS could process feet for character models on battle cinematics for Fire Emblem Awakening, until it was too late to add it in development.

This. On SNES, N64, and Gamecube, they had studios like Rare and Factor 5 who were willing to make the investment needed to push  the hardware to its limits. Nobody really did that on Wii, and I doubt anyone will on Wii U either.

But just because Wii U will probably never be maxed out, doesn't mean there's not room for it to grow still. I expect there are games still to come that will exceed anything released on it so far graphically.

They have Retro Studio and the team doing the Zelda games. Those always push things further and further. 

Zelda games have been pushing the hardware a lot since the original Ocarina of Time. And Retro Studios are always achieving unmatched results despite going for a 60fps framerate. Granted, their Donkey Kong games don't seem to push the hardware nearly as much as their Metroid Prime games, but I am sure their next project won't be a new DK, so there's still hope.