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My estimates are based off past and assuming every console regardless of position now has the ability to fall into last place in sales thus no dominant console has ever had under 60% of the market to my knowledge and a 200 million market is likely this generation. So in my estimates the PS3 is able to pick up about 15% of that market if it is in last place thus splitting the 40% with the 2nd place console.

PS3: 30 million

The Xbox360 has a similar situation to the PS3 but has the advantage of its head start and its weekly sales were higher at this point in its life than the PS3's right now so worst case senario for the Xbox360 20% market share of 200 million.

Xbox360: 40 million

The Wii is growing pretty fast for a console to be doomed for last place in a generation and can't think of any situation in the past where a console with such growth has eventually fallen to this position. Still in the interest of being impartial I'll say the 20% split like the Xbox360 if people just absolutly turn against the system.

Wii: 40 million