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DerNebel said:
LordLichtenstein said:

I wouldn't mind hearing YOUR predictions :)

Don't think it's anything special but sure :D

I thinke there will be in no particular order:

Battlefront gameplay and a Star Wars PS4 announcement

Either Mass Effect 4 gameplay reveal or Fallout 4, I'm leaning towards Mass Effect 4 (I believe that Sony is going a lot after the games and genres that last gen were big on Xbox, WRPG fits right in with that, so I think they'll have marketing for one of those 2 if not both)

Batman and MGS V trailers

Mad Max exclusive content

Still don't think Cod will be there

Probably another big 3rd party game or two.

That's the less exciting stuff, then we have

Bloodborne DLC

Tearaway, Until Dawn, Rime and No Man's Sky release dates, NMS physical release announced as well.

Not sure if WiLD will be shown, think it'll be held back for PGW, makes sense with the location of the development studio

A couple new indie/digital only titles, some PS exclusive, some timed

GT7 trailer (Could this somehow make it in 2015? Maaaaybe)

GGs Horizon

Ratchet & Clank first look at the actual game

Uncharted 4, more gameplay, also an announcement of a multiplayer beta around the holidays (if that is as long and good as the one for UC3 then I'll be playing that a ton) possibly in connection with an Uncharted Collection

Street Fighter V release date and some new characters revealed

Persona 5 release date (maybe Sony is helping to ensure a simultaneous worldwide release this time?)

Level 5 JRPG (Verendus suggested that he's excited to see peoples reactions when that is announced and he meant that in a positive way, so I'd say/hope it's either a new Dark Cloud or Ni No Kuni)

I think there'll be a couple more japanese titles (1 or 2), possibly exclusive (Verendus said that the conference is going to have a good japanese presence and Kagari said that people complaining to Spencer because of japanese games not coming to X1 will be complaining even more after E3), there might be more japanese exclusives announced outside of Sonys conference though. Possible candidates for the conference might be Metal Gear Rising 2, something from Sega, or that other JRPG that SE is apparently working on.

There might also be a (timed) exclusive retail title from a western third party, we did have the moneyhats comment after all, but I'm very doubtful about that.

Morpheus launch titles will be shown, a couple indie titles, some smaller Sony projects, maybe the Media Molecule game, really haven't thought much about that to be honest. Release date announced as well, price probably later.

And now we're missing the third big WWS announcement next to Horizon and GT7 that according to Verendus is going to make people talk, it could be MM's game, but like I said I'm not sure if this will be there it might also be a Morpheus launch title by another studio but eh I'm not sure, the other possibility imo are Bends game, Sony Japans JRPG, GoW 4 teaser and TLG (that dude that made those comments about TLG has not been banned, so maybe he does know something), if it's none of those then I have absolutely no idea.

This could already be too much for the about 2 hours that I suspect Sony is going to put into the conference, who knows.

The worst thing about all of this is that I won't be able to catch any of it live and that I thus won't be able to share my live reactions with people that are also seeing the conference(s) right at that moment, instead I'll have to go on a full blackout until probably wednesday.

Really interesting read nebel. As a PS fan that's almost too many great announcements to be true but as they don't need to save megatons for Gamescom it's only natural for them to have a fully loaded E3 lineup. A holiday launch of GT7 and Uncharted 4 mp beta (haven't thought of that one) would be awesome. Regarding 3rd party I just hope neither Sony nor MS will buy former multiplats and make them exclusive (I can live with exclusive cosmetic dlc as I never buy that anyway).

I'm so glad that I'll see it all live starting with Bethesda in 28 days 6 hours. I'm not mocking you at all x}

No but seriously. Why the full blackout? You need to do something about that dude.