bananaking21 said:
I don't know if it'll be all VR focused, maybe it'll have features that complement the use of VR well and help to make the game a system seller of Morpheus.
I think Move may be useable in the game as well, but options would make the game sell more than just making it a VR only title. Perhaps a choice of perspectives, like FPS, Third Person and Isometric or birdseye mode.
God I hope it's as awesome as the PS4 announcement thing made it seem, by which I mean the ability to basically build out huge stages of levels, make your own models, even mess around with the sound effects. MM is one developer I have faith in that will go to great lengths to make full use of PS4's controller, just like they did with Vita's features.
That puppet stuff in the Feb 2013 reveal thing should translate over to dual shock 4.
I imagine the clay sculpture stuff should work well with the touchpad and gyro features too.