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JayWood2010 said:

Momot restates that the PC version will look superior to the console versions, and cites draw distance, frame-rate, resolution and “exclusive features such as hairworks” as the reasons why. No specific mention of better textures, though.


Nope, not believing that bullshit again, I believed that about GTA V with it's "PC exclusive" video editor and radio stations, now those are getting ported over to current gen, what's to say the same isn't going to happen here, this temporary pleasing PC users needs to come to a complete stop, I know I won't buy or support at full if the features being marketed to me as being temporary, I don't do temporary, I do forever or not at all, not at all means vanilla which means no buy so the answer is pretty clear.

So far CDPR have said "oh it's not the right version with the day 1 patch", well my mum is the Queen of England!, see how easy it is to say something so easily without evidence?, I know they are the actual devs but at this point I have little reason to believe them, they've been quiet about this for ages and won't just come out and full admit what's going on, instead we get these forum snippets or when something like this happens they come out with "it's not the right version" and then they go back into hiding.

All I know is I expect fake eye candy at this point from CDPR, slightly improved everything and blown up to epeic proportions like R* did with GTA V's PC marketing, they blew that up to make it such a big deal when it wasn't that much of a deal after nearly 2 years, I can see the same happening with this so easily.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"