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Wright said:
Samus Aran said:

Wish it was longer, but I feared this would happen. Singleplayer should have been 15 hours or something with double the levels.

I wonder what the development time was for this. I just can't see this game review well. Nintendo should have just delayed it.

I'm honestly surprised. Unexpected to see you making this comment.

Keep in mind I'm strictly speaking about review scores. It's obvious that this game would have gotten better scores if it released in August with 4 online multiplayer modes, 15 multiplayer maps, custom matchmaking and more weapons and gear. By August this game will have more than enough content. Much more than Mario Kart 8 for example. And from what I've played and the future dlc that's coming, it deserves a higher score than Mario Kart 8. Splatoon will have much more content and variety than MK8 by August.

Critics will sadly not take the free dlc that's coming into account.