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It only appeals to Nintendo loyalists and it comes down to third party appeal and support.

1.As it arrived half of the games about to be released were exclusive to PS3/360/PC (Borderlands 2, Crysis 3, Dishonered, Hitman, Resident Evil 6, Tombraider, Bioshock, GTA5). This essentially made it impossible for ps3/360 owners to seriously consider it as their next console if the majority of the games releasing weren't coming to it.

2.Even if it had all the support under the sun, said games wouldn't be appealing on the system because the system wasn't a notable leap over PS3/360, no point to upgrade. Equally third parties aren't stupid so they clocked onto this, hence why only the typical deep pocket/money hungry names (EA/Activision/Ubi) bothered with Wii U support. Everyone else gauged that their audience wouldn't have a strong interest in the Wii U and would wait for PS4/X1, so the its a vicious cycle.

3. Even had it had power+support theres then the question of branding, Wii U would have been a hard sell to core gamers after the "fad" of the wii, the family orientated image and the lack on recognisable online space (PSN/XBL)

4.If the Wii U's gimmick was strong enough it could have overcome this issue and maybe at least been designated secondary platform, but its not unique enough and was too expensive for people to buy on a whim.