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wtf did I just read lol.


“Nintendo is making a transfer to smart devices because it is pessimistic about the future for dedicated video game systems.” I intentionally chose to announce the development of NX so early because I wanted to confirm the fact that we are developing a new dedicated video game platform, that we have never lost passion regarding the future for dedicated video game systems"

Yes you didnt want PR backlash, or people thinking this ment the Wii U is near the end of its road... we get that.


"since I have confirmed that it will be “a dedicated video game platform with a brand new concept,” it should mean that we do not intend it to become a simple “replacement” for Nintendo 3DS or Wii U.”"

Ofc its not a "simple" replacement... its the replacement over all replacements! since it ll be a 2 in 1 :P


"When it comes to how dedicated game systems are being played, the situations have become rather different, especially between Japan and overseas."

Yes we know you guys love to play games on the go.


".....we would like to offer to them “a dedicated video game platform with a brand new concept” by taking into consideration various factors, including the playing environments that differ by country."

So it needs to be versitile enough to be used as a handheld but also as a consol, gotca, read you loud and clear.


Or am I just not doing this right? Still sounds like its out to replace the wii U and the 3ds.

Unless its like a really weak consol..... like a smartphone, that you can hook up to a tv + controller <.<

(people will laugh like mad if thats how it turns out)