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Calling the actions of an army of SJW's going to town and screaming "Disgusting white cis scum! Delete your games and kill yourselves!!" critisism is perhaps a bit off the mark. Just saying.

Yes, critisism is good. But that isn't what is happening. Developers are being shamed and condemned. Will that change anything? Maybe.

Money forces hands, and companies will cater to loudmouths if they think they'll make more money through that. They can also ignore all of that if they don't see profits in it. Like others have alreadys stated though, the process is long and difficult, and there are restrictions everywhere. HOWEVER, this is the era of selfpublishing and kickstarter. Make your own god damn non-ableist, non-racist, non-genderist, all-inclusive rainbow fairytail. It has never been easier than today.

I make no claims on any artists work. Make whatever you want. If I like it, I buy it. That is how it is, and how it should be for everyone. Anyone can make a product today. Go for it.