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gabzjmm23 said:
V-r0cK said:
As good as Nintendo's E3 digital event was, it just doesn't feel as exciting. I feel the excitement of E3 is having all the companies together under one roof, bringing out their best of the best live on stage.

If Nintendo continues with their digital event then they could not as well follow the E3 schedules and just show their own E3 digital events whenever they feel like (ie Christmas day) since they don't need to feel the pressure of organizing an on-stage performance to an audience.

it still feels exciting. it is true, if they go to digital they can do it anytime they want, but they are cooperating with E3 and that is something different than the normal live events they have done in the past. and digital is one of the best technology that we can use in today's world.  can edit and rehearse stuff properly and enjoy it afterwards. Rather than have those live mistakes and those would be the key moments of their presentation which is wrong.

Sony and MS should really use digital content videos for E3 presentations.  They can still go to the event live anyway.  

With Nintendo Direct shown numerous times a year a digital E3 event feels almost the same just longer with more announcments.  I would think a live stage performance just once a year wouldn't kill them, especially for the biggest gaming event.

I like to think of these like music concerts where watching a live concert is very different and more exciting than a music video.  If digital events becomes a trend then what will be taken away next? Stand up comedy, award shows, saturday night live etc...