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TheRealMafoo said:
leo-j said:
What? Is this a joke?

Nope. If not for MS, this game would not be what it is. They paid to have it made, and I am very excited to play it!


And to the few posts above, MS did not give them 50 mil, they loaned it. And judging from the reviews, R* is going to make enough to pay it back :).

So all it cost them was the interest on that money (unless that was part of the deal too).

where did you see this was a loan? i'm pretty sure it was a payoff to ensure some form of exclusivity, in this case the DLC. Microsoft does not loan, they ACQUIRE, usually by hostile means. I would even wager that MS's 1st attempt was a total buyout of R*, even though they weren't for sale, just like they recently tried to do to Google. MS is the pater familias of the evil corporation... ok, maybe that's walmart, heh.

and i'm also with windbane, i'm not going to thank MS... i wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire... after i started it. all the thanks goes directly to R* for continuing to produce great games and topping themselves each time.