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Ruler said:

I meant eurogamer poland gave it this score because its a polish devoloper. Gamespot i dont know but they are too open word friendly and its annoying, so more open world a game is so higher the score except when it comes to nintendo. Their review of bloodborne pretty sounded like they were forced it to give it a 9 dueto a lot of other positive reviews.

The stuff i said still counts and CD project should be accountable for what they are doing espacially since they came out and talked like virtuecrats about DLC to later announce ''Expansions''. And just recently there are new news stating that the Xbox One version will run at 1080p scaled, just days after we knew that the game is downgraded. And we all know they have this marketing deal with MS.

Sorry for not following the masses and being not 100% positive about this game and CD project.

Well that's not really a no brainer, would you be standing against this if it were japan or Sony or PS4 related?, I highly doubt you would and saying "no" now would just be the smoking gun.

I don't recall GS being very open world friendly to games that are like that in terms of reviews, I remember an open world game like the recent PKM getting low scores and "too much water", places like Dtoid gave W3 an 8 which has confused some people but it doesn't really confuse me at all.

Would you have rather they scored BB at what they thought it ought to be at?, again I don't think you would, that goes against your praise and efforts to support BB.

See when I think accountable I think of relations to trouble or something bad, I don't see what CDPR are doing is bad at all, it's just something you happen to dislike and disagree with and that's totally fine because it sounds like it's just not for you just like how BB isn't for me and I've well and truly accepted Souls not being for me at all, only thing I want is for it to reach more people.

You also have to realise the XB1 version was never going to be on par with the PC/PS4 version, i really really don't get your stance on this because ever since I came here you've not really favoured the Xb1 so your defensive stance on it really puzzles me as if you're using Xbox as a shield for your own argument to then throw away and artgue against later, in this case you disagree with Witcher 3 as a game and the devs so you cite the XB1 quality when it's a known fact it;s not going to be exactly the same, the PC version at the end of the day will be the best one regardless of the slight downgrades, I'm not a fan of the downgrades either but I can't exactly blame CDPR because it;s not their fault, it's the weak hardware and it always will be till the end of time.

it's totally fine that you're not 100% positive about W3, it's your opinion but you have to really realise that your opinion just isn't a fact, or one that should be acted out by the masses, the scores are coming in already and they think it's a great game and that's all there is to it in the end, hell I'm totally shocked the PS4 version is the one getting reviewed more so than PC let alone XB1 which MS has the marketing rights to but in the end I'm not going to blame CDPR I'll just watch what MS has to say in the end because really it's their money, their deal, they have to explain.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"