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shikamaru317 said:

Seems like they've been working on the Xbox One version right up until the last minute in order to implement the dynamic resolution feature, so they probably didn't want to send out the 900p Xbox One copies to critics, they'd rather they rate the final dynamic 900p-1080p version. Not sure why no PC copies were sent out though, that's a little surprising, especially considering the fact that many Witcher fans are PC gamers who are used to 60 fps and the fact that the PS4 version still has issues maintaing 30 fps (hopefully that will be fixed in the day one patch), CD Projekt should have known that would hurt their scores.

PC have more features and optimizations to be made than PS4/Xbone version... there is a new patch log 1.01 for PC... I guess it is because PS4 version was more optimized/ready to be sent to reviews... they choose the "best" version in terms of bugs/issues.