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RolStoppable said:
Bodhesatva said:
Safiir said:
Thing is a good game doesn't necessarily have big sales. Ookami is a perfect example. So while it's obviously much more lucrative for a developer to make games like nintendogs, for the gamers it would be a very bad thing. And while MS and Sony make games mainly designed for gamers, Nintendo makes games that will sell a lot. Sometimes they make good games that sale a lot (like zelda and pokemon) but sometimes they make awfull games that sell a lot (like nintendogs and wii sports).

Why is Nintendogs bad for "gamers?" I know a lot of gamers that love that game. I know a lot of gamers that love Wii Sports. I personally hate Pokemon, and think it's a game for children -- but I still consider it a game.

How about you stick to "personally, I like Zelda and Pokemon. I personally don't like Nintendogs and Wii Sports," because your suggestion that "true gamers" like Zelda/Pokemon but don't like Wii Sports/Nintendogs is false.

I want to add that games like Nintendogs, Animal Crossing, Brain Training and Wii Sports are good for all gamers. I am not saying that everyone should play or like them. But the thing is that all these games really sell/sold lots of hardware.

The sooner there is a big userbase the sooner big budget games are justified for development. Isn't that what gamers are looking forward to, the big games? The industry needs all these "non-games" to expand the market to be able to continue to make big budget games.

If you don't believe it, look at the financial reports of videogame publisher, most if not all publishers that focused more on 360/PS3 games in the last year had shrinking profits compared to the previous year. Big budget games are still a risk on the HD consoles since both lack games that rapidly grow the userbase.

Another perspective on the suggestion that Nintendogs/Brain Age aren't "real games," or that "real gamers" don't like them:

Whoever these "real gamers" are, they had better hope that Nintendogs is real; otherwise, their favorites like God of War, Metal Gear Solid and Halo are being outsold by a game that doesn't even exist. How bad do those games have to be?">">