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sega pretty much messed up with me. it is that thing that you wait for but basically never comes. but you still hope they do. but hey they are a cheapskate freemium f2P game company now. total war and coh arent really sega games. well yes they are but they arent recognised by the core fans as sega games

i could name real sega games and most of yall probably recognize

streets of rage series
golden axe series
shinobi series
sonic series and their spinoffs
shenmue series
yakuza series
shining series
crusader centy
beyond oasis
jet set radio series
skies of arcadia
ecco the dolphin
sega rally series
panzer dragoon series
burning rangers
phantasy star online series and the single player series as well
space channel 5
sword of vermillion
immortal even tho it is an ea game
eternal champions
wonderboy series
even tho not to succesful but appreciated bug and bug too
light crusader
alpha protocol
binairy domain

i could go on. sega has strong ips. but they simply went oblivion with their shitty misstreatment of fans