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Conversing in a language thats not my mother tongue is no big deal to me. To me its exactly like using my own language.

Because people around me using my language are usually dumber than me. They say stupid things or use "new words" that are "IN" at the moment because they want to feel cool or whatever. I refuse to join that neologism bandwagon unless its a word that really makes sense and is obviously not the creation of a person with an IQ of 10 or below.

So as a result I have some problems talking to them and the same thing happens if I need to talk to people in another language. We dont understand each other 100% of the time but usually we can figure out what the other person wants.


When I am visiting another country (or even region in my own country that has a different dialect) and two or so weeks passed I usually start to think in the local language. Especially when most people I talk to are locals. My accent also changes accordingly.