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Quite frankly forget books, movies, and games, America in particular is a big fat phony in this regard, we regulate entertainment to the umph degree, and yet we allow the internet to stream into every home entirely unregulated. A kid isn't allowed to buy a mature game, watch a rated R film, or see anything bad on TV, and then he can go online and see wanton violence and sex with no proof of age. This is astounding.

The news will hype a shocking video of a store clerk selling GTA to a 10 year old. While the same news seems to overlook the fact that the same kid could watch vidoes of explicit sex and violence, and all kinds of other god-forsaken acts on the internet.

It'd be like the media getting mad at liquor stores for selling to minors when we all had vodka coming out of our sinks. It's like,"Why are we mad at the liqor stores these kids can get this at home for free."