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The Xbox One was marketed as a new machine, and marketed like crazy. The Wii U never got enough exposure for the masses to realize what it was. Kind of sad, considering that the Wii U was the most powerful home console on the market for a solid year. If it had launched with a "Kart" or "3D World", or even a "Bayonetta 2", to show off its prowess, a few heads might have turned.

Instead, by the time "MK8" came out, and people were impressed, consumers assumed that the PS4 would be making Wii U games look downright awful by the Fall. Which, of course, it didn't. "Bloodborne" is the only game I have on my PS4 that really wows me graphically.

To be honest, I still encounter friends who don't know that it's a new machine. To look at it on an entertainment cabinet, it looks eerily close to a black Wii.

Retro Tech Select - My Youtube channel. Covers throwback consumer electronics with a focus on "vid'ya games."

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