bananaking21 said:
JustBeingReal said:
I totally agree here, I mean Cory Barlog went back to Sony Santa Monica in August 2013:
I think the new IP Santa Monica were making was being headed up by Stig Asmussen & Barlog was working on the new God of War. The title could be around 2 years in development at this point, with Barlog working externally from Sony until he came back in late 2013.
Personally I think we'll see at least an in-engine trailer for the new God of War.
E3 will likely be Sony's event for their biggest hype building projects and God of War is one of many that have been in the works for over 2 years at this point.
Having a God of War trailer to use as part of a reel of 2016 releases to show off at the end of E3 2015 would do nothing but build huge hype for the holidays. God of War has never taken 4 years to release, in fact it's a regular March release, with Ascension and 3 taking 3 years to come after the previous release, God of War 2 only took 2 years to come after God of War 1.
There's nothing about GOW's development that makes it seem like it's had any troubles and ideas for how the series can move forward have been circling around for a couple of years, that it could either be Norse or Egyptian.
I think a March 2016 release date is a given for the next game, a teaser of some kind, with a 2016 release window is the least we should pin our hopes on at E3, with a huge focus on gameplay at either Gamescom or PSX, where the official release date of March 2016 will be given.
This is just my too pence though.
Cory Barlog already said on twitter that they wont have anything ready for E3 2015.
im guessing a PS experience reveal with a holiday 2016 release date or a march 2017 release. they heavily hinted GoW at the last PS experience and i remember SSM saying they will have a big precense at the next one.
You realise that Cory is a bit of a joker right? Also this was October, things can change. Even so a teaser could even be at Gamescom. Like I said in my last post God Of War has never taken more than 3 years between releases, even on the complicated PS3 hardware & it's not like Cory didn't return until just before PSX, he's been busy at SSM since he came back in August 2013.
Saying you don't have anything to show, could also just be like him saying that they have very little to show, as in a tiny portion of the game could be shown. That tweet could just be him playing down on the thing and then they have something and it's a huge surprise to people like yourself.
This game will no doubt be a March 2016 release, mark my words!