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So recently my country has been receiving a lot of negative Pr because after a referendum was held it was decided by the majority ( 50.4% vs 49.6% equivalent to a 2,200 vote difference ) that bird hunting in my country should continue. So what I want to know from you guys is whether or not you agree or disagree with bird hunting? ( It's nice to get a general feel of how internationally people think and not just Europe )


Article if you're even more interested:


Defenition of bird hunting: It's not actually there for the hunters to eat ( or even monetuze on this hobby ) but rather for them to have a little bit of "fun" by shooting down birds and then removing their guts and then framing them or something as a sort of remembrance for what they have done.


My Opinion: I disagree it's a stupid thing and I was quite dissapointed when they ended up winning. It's a cruel sport and I wish it will finally stop.

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