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Runa216 said:
Bah. I think I really have hit a block in this game. I'm right at the end, and have three threads to complete:

1 - Martyr Longarius - I can't figure out for the life of me how to avoid his attacks, though he's the one I'm closest to conquering. Ah well, whatever the case, I just don't feel I'm making any progress.

2 - Daughter of the Cosmos - For the life of me I can't avoid his attacks and he hits like a tank. I Can't even get to mode 2 anymore, once I do (have twice), she instakills me with her laser things. I just Find her so annoying!

3 - Nightmare of Mensis - Just unacceptably annoying. That stupid enemy in the far off distance doing the frenzy thing, which does like 80% damage every time and I can't avoid it, not to mention the incredibly obnoxious enemies. I try just running past, but then the spiders attack me, then I avoid them, too because I can't kill them, then after that the two hunters...and I just can't get past that even with me just running.

Point is, I think I'm done. It stopped being fun when I hit all three of these roadblocks that I can't overcmome. 99% of the game seems to revolve around the idea that if you are smart, take your time, memorize the enemies and learn from your mistakes, you will get better, and you will overcome.

Now it's nothing but frustration and I just don't see myself winning out over these enemies. it got stupid hard, and considerably more cheap, therefore not fun anymore. A Shame, too, because in the matter of an hour, I went from absolutely loving this game to flat-out hating it. Am I missing something here? Something that would make things easier? Something that would make the game less annoying and more fair? or do I just suck?

Those 2 bosses you talk about are entirely optional. As for the Nightmare of Mensis part... did you know you can avoid the frenzy by staying away from the light? You just have to get near a rock. Practice running and moving the camera at the same time and you will get better at avoiding enemies. I generally use my right index finger to control the camera (it sounds hard but it isn't once you practice it).

If you still want to beat those two bosses:

For Martyr Logarius: I had trouble with this one too, I just went and used the charge attack of Ludwig's Holy Blade. I got lucky and didn't die on this one, that's all I can tell you.

Eberieta: Her attack patterns are completely random, sometimes she won't use certain attacks in the fight at all. Just make sure you use a strong weapon (like Ludwig's Holy Blade, seriously that weapon is very fucking good) and learn how to avoid her attacks.

It all boils down to that, use the most powerful weapon you can and try to avoid the enemies attack. You don't have magic in this game so you can't take the "easy route" just practice and get better. Also drink some tea, it will make you feel soo good.

If you are still having trouble stop playing and give up.

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