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I'm not sure if the price is so significant. I mean Sony's Bravia hdtv are if I'm not mistaken the best sold hdtvs in the world. And they're the most expensive. So obviously people are willing to pay more for something better. I think the ps3 right now is simply not seen as something worth 600$. If the price falls to 500$ before this christmas and at least one BIG game is released I would think that'll sell quite a few consoles. On the other hand the wii won't be able to benefit much from a price cut. It's already plenty cheap. But I really don't think that the success or failure of the wii will have that much of an impact in ps3's sales. They're way too different as consoles. The ps3 can do waaaaay more things than the wii but not everyone needs them. So whoever wants to use them will obviously buy the ps3. And the ones that don't - will buy a wii.