binary solo said:
Is this a good tactic by Nintendo? There is a reason projects head towards cancellation, and that's because there are major problems with the project. It would be rare, I think, for a game that looks for all money like it will be a major hit to head towards cancellation and oblivion for lack of investor interest. So if Nintendo is spending cash on projects that might only amount to mediocre 3rd party games to pad out the Wii U exclusive library it may end up being bad for Nintendo, in a financial sense. Not all of these almost cancelled projects are going to be underappreciated gems like Bayonetta. And of course Bayonetta was an existing IP and therefore a known quantity and thus a more predictable risk. If Nintendo can buy itself some quality 3rd party exclusive titles from the discard pile of 3rd party publishers then that will be great. But it is a risky approach. |
We life in a world where the quality of a product is not the only factor taken into consideration, sales are equally if not more important.
We have seen it several times, with the recent case of Yooka-Layle being a proof of that. A game not only has to be good, but it needs to have the potential to sell several million units to get the green-light, otherwise they usually end being forgotten. That's why the mid tier games have disappeared and now the offer is mostly based on either indie or AAA games.
Look at EA last gen: Dante's Inferno sold 2 million copies, didn't get a sequel. Dead Space sold a little more than 3 million and while it got two sequels, they tweaked them so much trying to make them sell more that ended up selling worse, specially the last one (which still sold 2 million copies). Nothing else has been said about it.
With that in mind, and giving Nintendo a little confidence, I think that those are the kind of games they are going for, games with the potential to sell 1.5-2.5 million copies (had they been multiplatform), that nowadays no one wants to publish.
Please excuse my bad English.
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