Mike_L said:
Personally I think SE should release both FFXV and DQXI on PS4, Wii U and Xbox One. |
DQ will never be on xbox consoles unless Microsoft moneyhats its.
It just doesnt do well outside of JP.
FFXV wont do well on wii u and be significantly downgraded
while xbox one version will do ok at best(less than 500k lifetime.)
(Won)Bet with TechoHobbit: He(Techno) says 10 million by January 1,2014 I say 9 million by then. Winner gets 2 weeks of sig control.
(Lost)Bet with kinisking: I say Ps4 will win April NPD while he says Xbox One will win it; winner gets 1 week of avatar control.
Raichu's First Series:
Official Ni No Kuni Fanboy:
Familiars Captured:37
Game Beaten: 2 times almost
Times I got teary during some scenes: 3