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Third Parties




Official: Bathesa teases new fallout! countdown on the official website. (source


- Official: Obsidian teases "Something awesome is on the horizon" (source)

- Official: Doom E3 teaser ( source)





- Leak: Mass Effect 4 leaked. could we see it at E3? (source)

- Hint from Official source: Micheal Gamble, a producer on Mass Effect has tweeted this picture. 


- Confirmed: EA to reveal Mirror's Edge 2 (releasing Q1 2015) , New Need for Speed (holiday release) and Plants vs Zombies 2. (Q1 2015 release).  (note, the launch Quarters in the pic refear to EA's fiscal year)

- Official: EA to show off new Need for Speeds first trailer at June 15th. (source)



- Insider Rumor: Look for 3 unannounced EA games, one of which is a new IP (by shinobi) (source)

- Official: Respawn wont be showing anything at E3 (source)


- Official: Ubisoft to release an unannounced AAA game by march 2016. (source)

- Official: Ubisoft to release big budget VR games. (source)

- Insider Rumor/shinobi : New IP to be showed at E3 (source)


Take Two

- Official: Take Two will announce a new AAA game releasing before march 2016 (source)

-Official: 2k Games announced XCOM 2 (source)

- Official: 2K game teases "Advent" a possible dystopian Sci-fi title (source) (turns out to be Xcom 2)


Square Enix

- Square Enix showing "secret title" at E3. (source)

- New Rise Of The Tomb Raider CGI trailer (source)




- Rumor:  Dark Souls 3 Rumored to be revealed at E3 (source)


- Official: Bungie tradmark "eververse" (source)

- Leak/Rumor: Destiny “Red Bull” Promotion Confirms The Taken King Expansion (source)




- Rumor/Leak: List of Publishers/Devs Showing off New Games/Genre For PS4 And Xbox One Possibly Revealed. (source)

"The entire list of publishers and developers that will be showcasing new game titles for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One during E3 2015 have been possibly revealed by E3’s official website. The listing does not only mention the name of the publishers and developers but also reveals the game’s genre."