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I'm having 2007 flashbacks from the beginning of the Nintendo's 7th gen runaway sales.

The Wii would go on to approach 50% market share and VGC was occupied by die hard Nintendo fans not surprisingly. The PS3 had generated no momentum even with a drop from $599 to $499 within the first year and was doing little to offset Wii market share.

How things have changed one generation later.

The big difference here is that PS4 market share percentages really aren't relevant as they won't result in any changes in software development plans or publishing priorities as the industry has essentially already backed the PS4 as the lead platform.

There were people who were actually under the impression that if the Wii could break past 50% market share that 3rd party developers would be obligated to provide better and more software support and that not doing so would be detrimental to game producing companies and would result in said companies "going out of business" for not supporting the market majority share holder. It's fun to laugh about this in retrospect.