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Silent Hills is dead, and pretty much the entire series as a whole, which is pretty sad.

While I'm not a big fan the Silent Hill series deserve a lot of respect for how terrying its early games were, I've heard stories of people having near heart attacks when playing Silent Hill 2, and even 16 years after its original release the original game is still bone chilling, few series can't say that anymore, Resident Evil seriously can't.

So, a little sales info about the series, sadly there's not much to go around, the series would never achieve the blockbuster status of its survival horror nemesis, so sales info is rather scarce, this is what I was able to find.

US sales are NPD's, Japan are famitsu's. The system part its of where the sales come from, not where the game was available, for instance, Silent Hill 2 also came out on the Xbox, but there's no data on that one, so its not up there.

Here's something else to note, around 10 years ago when Konami was a games company through and through they had a page on their investors site that listed the games to sell over 1m units, that's what plenty of Japanese companies did back then, however around 2005 when most of this companies either merged with others or started doing other bussiness outside videogames took said page out, Capcom and Nintendo are pretty much the only ones who still have that up, needless to say Konami had a page which listed all their million sellers, and sadly there was not a single Silent Hill game among them, it was mosty Metal Gear Solid and Yu Gi Oh! for those of you interested.

So it seems that Silent Hill never had a million seller title, at least not until December 31st, 2004, however when looking at the numbers up there its rather odd isn't it? It'd mean that the original Silent Hill sold around 100k outside the US and Japan, and that's a little hard to believe, but hey that's what Konami had, better get as many viewpoints as possible amirite?

Games that have completely unknown sales are absent from that list as its obvious as well. Its really crazy to think that the last Silent Hill game came out nearly 3 years ago and that it was for Vita, from now on its pretty much a what could Silent Hills have been, sadly.

Not to be a downer, but goodbye Silent Hill, see you in dead franchise hell, say hi to Megaman while you're there.

Due to the lack of info a bar chart is kind of pointless, but they're really nice, so here.