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Well, I do not live in Europe, but I'll tell you why I chose the PS3 over the Wii U this last Christmas. I had been thinking a lot about this decision because the two consoles had great games I wanted to play, but in the end I chose the PS3 because it had a lot more games, it was cheaper, the games are cheaper, and because of its BluRay capabilities.

Now let me tell you the anecdotical story of a friend of mine. He is kind of a casual gamer (well, he loves games but he is basically broke so he cannot afford to go all hardcore like most people on this site), and he was talking me about the Wii U and "how cool" he thought the GamePad was, and he wanted to know what I thought about it. I responded to him: "well, that depends. Which games do want to play in the future?" and he answered really excited : "The latest COD, FarCry, Batman and Mortal Kombat"

After I explained to him that he would not be able to play these games on the Wii U, he decided to buy a PS3 instead.

Sooo,  to be honest, in my opinion, for the new gamers that are just entering the gaming arena (and probably for those who are upgrading from the Wii) the PS3 looks like the best option out of them all. It is cheaper than the 8th gen and it has WAY more games.