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Almost as expensive as an Xbox One at least at many german retailers, no third party support and Nintendo still hasn't managed to sell the gamepad. The best idea they themself have had was Nintendoland and a not so good touch Kirby, which reminds me of smartphonegames. Except those have a ten times smaller pricepoint.

I have defended the gamepad for a long time. But with Nintendo having actually no good idea the only option for Wii U i see to get 20m+ is finally make the gamepad optional, patch every game that just uses it as mandatory gimmick (Mario 3D World) and sell a pro controller SKU for no more than 199$/€.

As for this years sales, we will have to wait and see how Splatoon and Xenoblade X sell. But without Zelda there wont be a big hardware mover like Mario Kart. From end of may this year will get pretty tough for Nintendo.