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2015 - 2.2 mill
2016 - 1.8 mill
2017 - 1.3 mill
2018 - 800k
2019 - 200k

So... 16 million ish.

And I'm a hard core Nintendo fan & developer...  I just feel Nintendo dropped the ball with their marketing and naming of the system this time around.  Wii worked, because everyone wanted to try these new motion controls... now motion controls are no longer 'interesting' and people want to take advantage of their amazing HD TV's... Wii U's graphics are fantastic, but people want even more now.

Zelda won't be a big a system seller as people think in 2016....  think Skyward Sword... Major Zelda title, with a HUGE base of over 100 million consoles.... sold only 3.8 million. (4% buy rate)  vs Windwaker for the Gamecube...  which got 4.6 million sales on a 1/5th base of only 21 million consoles. (21% buy rate)

So it looks like there is only realistically 4 million or so Zelda fans out there... and most likely... they already have a Wii U.

Nitrolic Games
Nintendo Wii U Developer