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The numbers most definitely don't agree that Xbox One is gaining traction, in fact they state the opposite:

Looking at the latest VG Chartz numbers right now PS4's at 21,442,303 Xbox One's at 12,120,081.

Since the 3rd of Jan 2015 PS4's sold 2,717,503, XBox One's sold 1,139,040, so far this year PS4 has sold 2.38X the number of Xbox One's and with it having a lot more exclusives coming than XBox One, far greater sales on 3rd party, tonnes more interesting indies and way more games that you can't get on XB1 there's very little that's going to help XB1 gain back the huge 9,322,222 lead PS4's already got, the lead will only grow in PS4's favor over the rest of the generation.

No traction has been gained, XBox One is selling better than last year, but so is PS4.
PS4 still hasn't had it's biggest exclusives released yet, still hasn't had it's 1st price cut yet, not forgetting new 3rd party games which will all sell better and move more PS4's compared to XB1.