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Notevenfunnyanymore said:

See that is your problem
Those are a lot of games coming for the WiiU but those are mainly games that won't even sell to the existing WiiU owners.
Bayonetta 2 is soooooo goood OMG awesome² and it will never reach 1 Million units sold...Aren't there like nearly 10 Million sold WiiUs?
When not even the people owning a WiiU will buy it why would it get people into buying a console for it?
This goes for 95% of those games you listed - Those may be decent/good games but they don't sell and are even less system sellers.
Splatoon will bomb - A "shooter" without voice chat?Who should this atract?Kids?Adults?Kids play Call of Duty and stuff and so do adults.

95% of those games I listed bombed?

Mario 3D World: 3 milions sold
DK: Tropical Freeze: 1.1 million sold
Hyrule Warriors: 1 Milion shipped 2 months ago
Pikmin 3: 900.000 (a 10% of wiiu owners)
Bayonetta 2: Around 500k (disappointing, but that´s around a 7% of the wiiu owners, Bayoneta 1 sold one milion on ps3, a console with 8 times more users that WiiU (7% vs 1%)
Wonderfull 101: 300k (bombed)
Smash Bros 4: 3.5 milions
Zombie U: 900 K
NSMBU: 5 milions
Captain Toad: +600K (this may seems little, but this game will pass 1 milion this year, it has great legs)
Mario Kart 8: 4.7 milions sold

And of course, this game are still selling.

Where´s that 95%? Anywhere to be found

Also Splatoon is not going to bomb, by any means, we´ll see that soon.

People want flawless and good working Online Gaming - The Online functions of the WiiU are at best on par with the Dreamcast.Its so far behind on the things that the GENERAL PUBLIC want and need in these days.

WiiU owners has close to Zero problems with the online functions on WiiU, the servers never fall down, as opossed to the ps4 servers, when I say never, is never.  And is free, not like ps4.  Cod works right, Mario Kart works right, Smash Works right, and, of course, Splatoon will work perfectly right since day 1.

"And also some 3rd Parties are coming"
Project Cars...did they even talk about that version since they announced the much superior PS4 and X1 Versions?Games like that won't get people interested into buying a WiiU if there are 3(if PC Version available) Versions.

Actually yes, like 2 weeks ago they said that WiiU and SteamOs versions of the game are coming later this year, and  on their last Project Cars trailers they put in the title (Ps4/XBO/WIIU/PC)

All those games you mentioned won't mean shit and won't get the 0815 gamer into buying a WiiU

If you are talking about mainstream appeal, Mario Kart and Smash are still 2 of the biggest franchises in that regard. And I can imagina a lot of gamers having interest for possibly one of the best Jrpgs ever made, and the biggest open world on a console.Yes I´m talking about this game:

Also you should not undestimate the potential of Splatoon. Everyone though that Animal Crossing would sell like shit... now is one of the biggest franchises of the whole industry, and the creators of that game now have made... Splatoon....

Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem has a very similar appealing like Persona, so a big potential atracting some buyers.

Also some other games are gonna be a major sucess, watch Mario Maker and Yoshi, they are going to sell a ton. Even if they are not system sellers, everything adds up.

But I was not talking about numbers anyway, I was not talking about the console selling good suddlenly, only about the quality of the console.