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A few days ago someone who will go unamed asked me to do a thread about the best selling Nintendo franchises per console.

Originally I refused the idea because I think Nintendo is lame, however after sending me a check for $2.000 I changed my mind and Nintendo is awesome now, so they get a thread.

Now for starters, what exactly is a series?

The thing about Nintendo is that many of its franchises have franchises of their own, on Mario, there's the platformsers, RPGs, Mario Kart, Mario Party, Mario Battleships, its all over the place! For the purpose of this thread a franchise will be whatever I feel like saying it is, there's an explanation each time; don't agree with my decisions? Well voice yourself and maybe something will happen.

Super Mario includes only the main series of platformers, for something like Pro Baseball Family that's the bare minimum of sales, as said here it only includes the first 3 games as only thos sold over 1m units, however there are over 10 of then the actual number ought to be higher yet its unknown, so only this.

Super Mario only includes SMW and All Stars, I consider Yoshi's Island as the first Yoshi game so its not counted here, sales for Street Fighter are also higher than what its here, as it only counts the million sellers (i.e. pretty much all versions of SFII) missing are sales from the Alpha series.

One more thing, Mortal Kombat II & III sold 2.73m on the US, which just barely takes it out of the list, its fair to assume that when adding numbers from the original MK as well as sales from the rest of the world, MK would've made it to the list as well.

Not much to say, Super Mario is just Mario 64, Pokemon includes sales of all games on N64 with the exception of Puzzle League.

I could've combine both bullet points on just one, but heh.

Just dance obviously is much higher.

I couldn't find WW data for DQM nor YGH so only on Japan, I do remember that Konami used to have a page of platinum sellers on their site many, many years ago, its down now but I believe the WW for the YGH games was there, there might be an archive version of that page but I couldn't find it, so its Japan only. Yoshi is the puzzle game.

GBA data isn't quite as available so its mostly just Nintendo, there's a big chance that the Megaman Battle Network series would've made it to the list, but there's no data available, so just the 5.

Again, not much to say.


Doing a WiiU list is pointless, the top 5 franchises on the sytem are also the 5 best selling games.

Bar chart because whatever.
