10:Legend Of Zelda: Minish Cap (27:08)
9: Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D (38:38)
8: Super Mario 3D Land (40:24
7: Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time 3D (46:39)
6: Heroes of Ruin (51:54)
5: Nintendo Eshop (52:19)
4: Mario Kart 7 (111:09)
3: Pokemon Y (184:01)
2: Super Smash Bros. 3DS (196:56)
1: Internet Browser ( 344:43) I didnt even know i was soo much on the internet browser before i got my laptop haha xD im never on the 3DS internet browser. The thread master ( the guy who did this thread) should now also do a Wii U one :)