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Putting graphics aside, is not really the point, there is no single part of a game that is "essential" to everyone all the time.

Now, low resolution pixel art can look great, many old low resolution games do look crappy... however Sonic 2 and Mega Man X were graphical show cases when they were around, everybody used them to say one system holds up or the other has better graphics... they also played great! Same goes for Mario 64, it was one of the most impressive game of its day, at least outside of the arcades.

Talking about Arcades, back in the 80s the games released in the arcades had the best visuals, best animations, offered more special effects, smooth 3D before everyone else, etc. AND they had the very best game play... some of them at least, there was always some great looking games that had stiff controls, people just forget them really fast, this is nothing new.

Same for current day games, good graphics have no effect on gameplay (other than offering a nice presentation of what's ahead of you) ... they're like the cherry on the sunday... same for sound design, great music/sound is great to have, it may bring more people in... same goes for interface design, etc. even "gameplay" will take a back seat for some, if they find something to like in the game.

But yeah, everybody like to play some tetris from time to time...