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Ruler said:


Sega Masteystem


Nintendo 64




They all failed what the PS4 is acomplishing now, winning this console generation with the strongest Hardware and the higher price tag. Even after the xbox 1 got its price drop and is now cheaper than the ps4 it still cant keep up with ps4 in sales. The ps4 still hasnt got a price drop and went from being 100$ cheaper now to 50-70$ more expensive than the xbox 1, think about that.

Are gamers now more enlighted when it comes to graphics and Hardware? 

Last gen the Wii has won which was almost a gamecube and a lot weaker than the ps3 and xbox 360. I think this is the reason why this generation is a lot weaker in comparison to the last one because the less expensive consoles have won, espacially the Wii. In this generation all 3 tried to be as much profitable as possible, even MS as we have seen had a back-up plan without the kinect.

I think the next console generation will have a lot more horse power dueto the ps4 winning this generation and setting the example for the next consoles.



the ps4 is stonger than the rest, but realy weak if compared to the first years of the other gens.


and i wouldnt count the neo geo, thats a totaly different beast and they never planed to win that generation (or the generation after, im not sure if its realy weaker than the n64. sue it just can handle 2d games, but thoe are realy realy impressive