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Nintendo and Sega always made the best engineered consoles, ,robust and solid. Sega's Saturn is a UFC fighter compared to the 360 's Pee Wee Herman. Dremacast encompassed so much within it's little case and my original purchase still works flawlessly to this day ( it was only people that used pirate games that messed up their Dreamcasts by screwing the laser) .. The Original XBOX was a sturdy piece of kit and i amassed a sizable amount of games for the system ,over 80 games.

The 360 might have a great library of games but it is a very poor design and my own rrod within six months of getting one, and i actually waited till March 2007 to get mine and it was still no good. A family member who got his 6 months after mine had is rrod in less then 24 hours of unboxing it. The online retailer would not take it back and told him to send to microsoft who six weeks to repair by sending him someone elses repaired used one. It has since gone into melt down again.

My own 360 rrod again just after i got my Wii U. I have since repaired it myself ,using a online kit and fitted a new high speed fan it works but sometimes takes ages to turn on. I stopped buying games for my 360 after the first rrod ,only picking up the odd bargain bin game .

Both my PS3's consoles i have bought used ,both fat and one a 60gb all PS PLAYING MEGA BEAST. They are both resilient machines and weigh a ton.

360 is the worst engineered console of all time.

The best would be close between Dreamcast / PS3 / Xbox Original and Wii.

I think it's to early to include the new gen machines, in five years after constant use their still going then lets see how they look then..

We all know all three 8th gen units had early hiccups , but i can only speak for my Wii U , which has been on nearly everyday since the launch day i received it.